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Welcome to PMA-RP!

These are the general server rules.

PMA-RP is age restricted to players above the age of 18.

All rules are subject to change at any time. Staff will always have the final say in any situation.

You must have a working microphone to play on PMA-RP! Your microphone should always be on push to talk! Should you need help with setting up your microphone, please ask in the tech-support channel on the discord and a community member or staff will help you whenever possible.

You are expected to have a decent microphone. People should be able to understand you and not hear what’s going on in your background.

Breaking any of the rules will result in corrective measures that are subject to staff’s discretion.

These rules do not restrict staff’s ability to punish ‘common sense’ rules like being respectful, don’t VDM or RDM, Don’t be an idiot, and make a unique character.

Staff is not allowed to reimburse lost items or money.

Common Terminology

  • Out of Character (OOC) - Something not related to roleplay.

  • Powergaming - Softly defined as to do things unrealistically or in an unfair manner (like hiding bodies).

  • Random Death Match (RDM) - Killing another player without a proper roleplay reason

  • Vehicle DeathMatch (VDM) - Killing another player with a vehicle.

  • Fail RP - Softly defined as not roleplaying properly (failing to fear for life, breaking character, etc)

  • Metagaming - Using OOC forms of communication to gain in-character knowledge

  • Combat Logging - Leaving the city while involved in an active scenario

Community Rules

  1. Don’t break character:
    • There will be no ‘god’ talk when in the city.
    • There will be no talks about discord.
    • There will be no ‘live eyes’ talk.
    • There will be no ‘in my head’ if you need to go AFK walk away from the area and do /e tablet or tablet2.
    • There will be no ‘cousin’ talk’, you don’t know about your other characters.
    • There will be no ‘reported’ or ‘prayer’ talk, if you’re going to report someone you’re free to do so, don’t break other player’s immersion.
  2. Being or Breeding toxicity within or outside the community will result in you being removed from the community.
    • Don’t take things personally
    • Don’t harass people based on their sex or sexual orientation.
    • Don’t be toxic because you lost a situation.
    • Don’t use any sort of derogatory slang, regardless of your own race/sexuality.
  3. All RP must be within the Twitch Terms of Service 16 and Rules of Conduct 18
  4. Common Sense Rules:
    • Don’t kill another player without a proper roleplay reason.
    • Don’t use your vehicle as a weapon.
    • Don’t combat log.
  5. Any player caught harassing, bullying, or making sexual comments in an unacceptable manner towards another player, outside of the server, but in relation to their presence on the server will be removed from the community.
    • Sexual harassment is never okay on any level.
    • There needs to be consent to explicit sexual remarks on both sides.
    • If there is no consent and someone is trying to leave or remove themselves from the conversation/scene, then shut it down and move on with your storyline. If you continue trying to pursue this line of conversation, you risk a ban.
  6. Speaking poorly of others on stream, in chats, or elsewhere is not allowed. If you have an issue with a person and they broke a rule, please make a ticket, otherwise, roleplay it out.

General Rules

  1. Abusing any glitches/bugs will result in an instant and permanent ban (with no appeal).
  2. All jobs are to be done in the provided job vehicle.
  3. Every scene is limited to 5 players (PD uses car counts).
  4. Exceptions below in Gang and Police Sections
  5. Don’t interject yourself into players active scenes
  6. You CANNOT use a server restart/crash to gain an advantage such as (but not limited to):
    • Escaping police custody
    • To avoid Roleplay with someone else
    • When a restart is announced any new robberies will be deemed Fail RP.
    • You may not flex E to avoid police in any situation. (searching, Sirens in area, in custody ect.)
  7. You cannot use helicopters/planes without getting proper training beforehand by gaining and carrying a pilot's license on you.
  8. You only have a ‘body cam’ when having a camera (like /cam or your phone out), unless you are police.
  9. Civilians cannot wear body armor (like kevlar) or heavy facemasks (gas masks, heavy helmet, etc) unless you have a proper roleplay reason (like robbing a bank)
  10. You cannot force EMS or PD to revive a player.
  11. Any trading of items from non-whitelisted jobs, must be done offsite from the workplace
  12. Take it to a garage or a meetup spot that is away from the working area
  13. Any usage of fps packs/texture packs/reshade which gives or has the ability to give an advantage, will result in a permanent ban. Same with stretch resolution.
    • Non exhaustive list of examples:
      • Blood effects
      • Bullet tracers
      • Day only/night only
      • Zoom
      • Object hiding and enhancement
  14. Staff will inevitably have the final say, and may ask for a recording - this is the same as third party software/cheats.
  15. It is a requirement to record when in the city as a gang member and as a police officer/doc - If you don’t have a recording when asked by staff, you will be punished.
    • This is to cut down on the drama/hearsay; a video is clear cut and usually doesn’t have ambiguity. This dismisses all the rumors regarding a particular scene/ possible xyz. There is no he said/she said when there's a clear cut video to point out what is objectively right/wrong. Help us, help you.
  16. Lux App scams are not permitted in any way.

Value of Life

  1. You MUST fear for your life and the live(s) of other players (so long as it doesn’t put your life at stake)

    • You cannot draw a weapon when being held at gunpoint.
    • You cannot run at someone who has a ranged weapon when you have a melee weapon.
    • You cannot run/attack someone with a gun pointed at your head.
    • You have to comply with demands if your life is under threat.
    • If your gun is out you may defend yourself, but expect police charges and consequences if seen brandishing it.
  2. Value your Freedom

    • Don’t drive at high speeds trying to bait cops to pull you over.
    • Don’t randomly shoot at cops to bait them into a gunfight.
    • Don’t randomly shoot to get cops to come to an area.
  3. Only staff and you can perma-death your character

    • If you Perma your character, you cannot use it again; you must delete it


  1. Any form of stream sniping/using information from a stream will result in a ban.
  2. You cannot transfer information/items/weapons/cars between characters
    • Any information gained on one character, is only known to that character
    • You have no recollection that your other characters exist, don’t mention them at all.
    • Discord information does not translate into character information:
    • Staff reserve the discretion to identify and determine other sources or ways of metagaming as required and needed.
  3. You cannot use any information gathered from discord for any means. A member of staff NEEDS to be in every PMA business discord.


  1. You can kill or rob, not both.
    • If the individual you are robbing does not fear, you can kill them.
      • Example: Full Mald (calling you a bitch or other names) and/or making threats while you have them at gunpoint.
  2. You cannot use your vehicle as a weapon in any offensive manner.
    • Using your vehicle in a defensive manner is only allowed if there’s no other way out
    • If there’s a way to get out of a situation without running someone over, you must take that action instead
    • You cannot use your vehicle in a ‘defensive’ manner in the fear of someone else’s life. You can only do it out of fear for your own.
    • Example of what would be permissible: There are four individuals at legion blocking the exit (blocking your only way out), all having obvious hostile intent, and not allowing anyone out of legion.
    • Example of what would get you banned: My friend was being chased on foot by cops so I ran the cop over.
  3. You cannot transfer money, cars, or items if you decide to leave the community. Doing so gives another player a massive advantage over other players which they would not have gained otherwise. This is considered eco dumping.
  4. Forcefully dismembering or mutilating another player
    • While you may RP mutilation or other ways of revenge, the other player is not forced to RP injuries permanently (or at all for mutilation and dismemberment RP) unless they wish.
  5. You cannot Hit & Run a store.
    • You have to give officers an appropriate amount of time to respond to the call.
    • You must use a hostage (/me typing I have a bomb does not fly)
  6. You cannot rob another player without valid RP
  7. When robbing someone, you should have prior interactions which lead up to you robbing them
    • Example:
      • If Gang A (OR PD) wants to start shit with Gang B (OR PD), heated conversations can scale to getting robbed.
      • (Talking shit→scales to beef→scales to possible robbery.)
  8. You cannot pass weapons or items in an unrealistic manner
    • You cannot pass through walls
    • You cannot pass onto roofs
    • You cannot pass through gates.
    • Please use common sense.
  9. You cannot call a job in order to rob them or use them as a hostage.
  10. You cannot use fake hostages for the use in anything:
    • Fake hostages are hostages that have a choice in becoming a hostage
  11. You cannot force a player to revive at grandma’s.
  12. General abuse of mechanics is prohibited and judged by investigating staff.
  13. You cannot use submarines to gain an advantage.


  1. Be Realistic with your injury:
  2. Don’t talk if your injury would prevent it
  3. If you broke a bone, act as you did so.
  4. You cannot re-engage with a person/gang that leads to your death for 25 minutes.
    • If they return to the same place you killed them that is on them and not a rule break.
  5. When getting “killed”, you may only remember details about your death if revived by EMS, Nancy, or Grahndma.
    • If EMS cannot get to your body or if you press ‘E’ to respawn at Pillbox without EMS assistance, you keep your items but cannot remember anything nor use any information from the scene.

Gang Specific Guidelines and Exceptions

  1. Numbers and Limits to Numbers In Scenes
    • Must abide by the 5 man rule in all scenes unless extended within the rules otherwise.
    • If at an official event every member may defend that event if attacked. This only applies to planned and approved events displayed to the city in advertisements prior.
    • All Members may attend OBS if in your 20.
    • A scout counts to any scene numbers if in possession of a weapon at all or rescuing / helping the gang in any way including picking up bodies they may only call out information and not arrive on scene.
    • Expectation is to designate your 5 shooters before and well hanging out in large groups outside of events, even on your turf. Those not in the 5 should flee immediately if a gunfight occurs.
    • You must only use a max of three cars in gunfights
  2. Utilizing the police to assist in gang beefs or apprehension of enemy gangs.
    • Gangs may not use the police or 911 to have enemy gangs and bodies apprehended by the police during active beefs or war.
    • Calling PD via cellphone or otherwise to give locations of enemy gang bodies is prohibited.
    • Moving a body to a Police officer's location is prohibited.
      • This does not limit moving a body into a bush to hide it away from the pd or individuals, or body dumping into the ocean
  3. Revenge actions and robberies as it relates to gangs and groups.
    • Any member or person displaying the colors and loyalty to a gang should expect interaction and aggressive RP when that gang is in an active beef or war. This includes Kidnapping, Robbery and Violence from enemy gangs.
    • If you are a known member of the gang “blacking out” does not prevent this if properly identified. You must knowingly and publicly leave the gang if you can not handle it.
  4. Killing during active beef and war.
    • In an active beef or war you may shoot on sight when the situation and previous interactions call for it.
    • While in active beef, businesses owned and operated by gangs are subject to both attacks and defense. Police only called if the gang owning the location is not there to defend the civilian workers. A Civilian worker should be making the report to the police at that time independent of the gang.
  5. Gang leader powers and responsibilities.
    • A Gang head or leader is the only one that may request a gang storage move.
    • A Gang head or leader is the only one who may request disbandment of the gang. (Mutiny exception below in Godfather section)
    • The Gang head or lead is the only one who may request a change of their gang spray.
    • The Gang leader is responsible for making any rules and regulations only enforceable by him in RP that do not contradict the server rules for his gang.
    • The gang leader alone decides everything Administrative about a gang, such as Adding, Removing, promoting, etc.
    • Renaming of a gang is abandonment of the gangs Official status and must be pre approved by the Godfather.
    • A gang going inactive can be disbanded by the judgment of The Godfather or by Community Managers.
    • The Gang lead must actively maintain or attempt to take turf. The full abandonment or care for turf will result in loss of O status.
    • The Gang lead is responsible for policing his gang from time to time on an OOC level ensuring they represent PMA and PMAs values. He may be contacted by a CM for certain OOC issues and rule breaks to deal with in character. (This is not permission to go OOC within the game.)
    • Gangs will have to rep their colors/masks/insignias if they have a weapon on them.
  6. The Godfather role in RP and OOC.
    • The Godfather will decide the official status of gangs in and outside of RP.
    • The Godfather may be approached by a gang for mutiny and they must show a majority decision and satisfy the Godfather that the leader needs to be removed.
    • The Godfather acts as a quasie court for gangs and may punish or reward when needed in or out of RP. In the most extreme cases the Godfather may revoke official status or even kill off a member or leader of a gang.
    • The Godfather will attempt to remain independent and unbiased on both an in character or out of RP level at all times. Their main concern is the quality of PMA gangs and enforcement by both OOC and IC of any breaches of the Gang rules.
    • Well things like gun fights at Grandmas are expected if random. Things such as camping Grandmas or camping enemy turf after just killing a 5 man are punishable in RP by the Godfather.
    • Any ex gang members joining/merging/starting another gang must be approved by the Godfather and paid forward with a tax at his discretion.
    • Anyone who is in a gang cannot be in another gang on a different character. - the same applies even if you aren't scripted in. Godfather may approve otherwise however this is case by case and will most likely not happen.

OBS Event Rules

  1. The scripts cannot be taken before the 10 minute EMS timer that is displayed in red.
    • This allows the gangs to all see when the scripts are available to take without setting individual timers.
    • Early taking of scripts is considered a rule break enforceable by both staff or the Godfather.
    • Punishment may vary from IC to OOC depending on the staff available at the time and circumstances.
  2. It is the participants responsibility to be ready to have cleared and taken the script after the 10 minute EMS timer
  3. Gentleman agreements will not be enforced by staff but may be heard by the Godfather when broken.

Spray rules

  1. Cleaners are not allowed any weapons on them, if they are caught with a weapon they will be counted as 1 of the 5 and will put the scene overcount this includes pistols and knives.
  2. Those attacking and defending must be blooded into the gang
  3. Defenders can protect their physical sprays being cleaned with upwards of 7 blooded members.
  4. People who crash, disconnect, are put down can not be swapped out for another person, the 5 man rule still applies and must be adhered to.
  5. Scouts may not have weapons and are only allowed up to the point the other gang engages in combat, any scouts must then leave the area, this includes helicopters, scouts in cars etc.
  6. Police may clean a spray on a legal business at the owners request. When doing this they are limited to the same numbers as a gang cleaning a spray.
  7. A gang may not clean/spray for another gang.
  8. You can only have 1 five man active regarding gang sprays; 1 spray clean at a time, keep it simple

Police Specific Guidelines and Exceptions

  1. Police SOP’s / Evidence and overlapping server rules.

    • A police SOP may clarify a rule but at no time overlaps or exempts them from a server rule or rule in this document.
    • An Officer may not be corrupt.
    • The ability and use of weapons Class 1, 2 and 3 will be dealt with in the city and through RP and SOPs unless in violation of another rule within this document.
    • No one except Captain rank and above or staff may remove ANY item from evidence
    • Pitting and Ramming is to be covered in RP and within the SOPs not OOC.
  2. Police number counts and car counts in scenes

    • Police number counts will now be decided through this guideline and not change back and forth within the city without adjustment to this guideline.
    • Police may have up to 3 vehicles involved in a motor vehicle pursuit.
    • Police may have up to 4 vehicles involved in a regular bank heist
    • Police may have up to 5 vehicles involved in a big bank heist
    • If other criminal vehicles become involved, or ram police vehicles, 2 more units are allowed to attach for the remainder of the pursuit to defend and assist the already engaged officers.
    • Swapping of vehicles does not count as interference
    • This count will stay raised even if the additional criminal vehicles leave the chase to act as a deterrent for interfering in an active scene.
    • Police are uncapped at Pillbox, Prison and their Police Stations.
    • Air one does not count toward the vehicle cap.
    • Motorcycles count as a full unit. Show of force operations are limited to 5 officers.
    • Police may use up to 4 vehicles for response to drug missions.
    • Police may use up to 4 vehicles for prisoner transport.
  3. 10-13 ALPHA Use and Limitations

    • The Alpha is a powerful tool and may only be used when necessary.
    • Cases of police sudden ambushing.
    • Police robberies or kidnappings
    • Severely outnumbered situations (2 rookies killed by 5 gang members with AKs would likely drop an alpha)
    • Serious crimes occurring at Pillbox, DOC, or Police Stations
    • You can not use an Alpha in situations where you are forced to value your life.
  4. Situations for upped aggression and specific limitations

    • Police may use any aggression level at robberies that don’t have a hostage
    • Police may use deadly force on any suspect attempting to flee by water.
    • Shooting of tires is to be dealt with in RP and through SOP’s not OOC.
    • Police must value a hostage's life.
    • Police are allowed to refuse immature or ridiculous demandsPolice do not moderate rule breaks and may not punish in RP for them they must report.
      • This does not stop the officer from extending time and fine within his SOP’s for behavior, attitude and severity of crime.
    • Gang turf must be treated realistically
      • Police should not enter gang turf when they would be severely outnumbered to instigate or start beef.
      • Police cannot drop an Alpha when entering gang turf as the aggressors.
    • Ricardo is limited to police use
      • You can use Ricardo repair vehicles damaged during undercover operations
      • You cannot use Ricardo when a part of an active scene
    • Police numbers are uncapped at Pillbox, Bolingbrook, and any Police Station
      • Police are allowed greater aggression at these locations
  5. Chiefs and command powers and discretion

    • The Chief has discretion of SOP’s, Staff, Units and Vehicles used and deployed within PD.
    • The only person who can fire the Chief without an election is the Community Manager+.
    • The Chief must give approval to perform a “show of force” in gang territories
      • The Chief is allowed to delegate this to other ranks.
      • Show of forces have to have a proper reason to happen, such as
        • A specific gang robbing cops
    • Members of Command must review & approve any extreme sentences while they are on duty
  6. Department of Corrections Guidelines

    • A DOC officer may not be corrupt.
    • The Warden is the final say on issues to do with DC and members of DOC but should work with the police chief for anything outside of the direct area of Boiling brook.
    • A DOC officer must be reasonable in deduction of time
    • Increase of time should be used to discourage poor conduct and behavior of inmates and not rank locked. (Highest rank on duty acceptable to decide time, but should be available at all times to use even when command is not online)
    • DOC officers can increase prisoners time
      • This should only be used in cases of poor conduct or behavior
      • This power cannot be ranked locked, but the decision will always be up to the Highest rank on at the time
    • The Warden can decide the max times to be added according to offense or behavior types and inform his officers of the range he expects.
    • Solitary confinement is up to the highest rank on duty at the time and for a duration of their discretion. This can be used for inmates who are uncooperative previously known to attack DOC officers or others.
    • DOC officers are permitted to perform or have events for prisoners resulting in time reduction rewards
    • Chain of command is to be followed and any supervisor or above rank maintains control of DOC even when PD are present. (Exception officer/rookies will respect PD command or supervisor ranks when they are present)
    • The Warden may approve and develop SOPs related to patrolling within prison and the directly surrounding dirt roads and hills.
    • Within these SOP’s he may decide on and develop a policy for his members to detain and arrest anyone attempting to commit crimes or assist criminals on DOC property. (example. He may authorize DOC to handle crimes and offenses in the parking lot, or detain and arrest persons suspected of assisting or being part of a prison break on property or the hills nearby including direct outer perimeter patrols as he sees fit)
    • DOC may escalate response and use of force to any violent crime committed in the parking lot or waiting area of DOC
    • The Warden will develop SOPs related to enhanced weapons use andpatrolling outer areas or attempting to secure the parking area at his discretion.

EMS and Pillbox Guidelines

  1. EMS SOPs and discretion
    • The Chief of EMS will develop and issue SOPs on vehicle use and rank within EMS with some exceptions
    • Single EMS on duty will have the discretion to utilize a faster vehicle if needed to help get to calls quicker. The Chief will determine which vehicles they may choose from when alone.
  2. Morphine and other medical decisions
    • The use of these drugs are up to EMS and their command, talking while dead to refuse can be ignored at their discretion.
    • EMS will guide the RP for treatment and decide if they wish to ask about allergies or decide as the primary caregiver it is needed.
    • EMS is exempt from lawsuits for the use of medications such as morphine if they were acting in good faith and believed in their medical opinion it was required.
    • EMS may only prescribe legal medications.
  3. Reserve Program and Government Reserves
    • EMS may maintain and run a reserve program to assist with staffing levels.
    • The staff team may appoint reserves as well at times of low staffing in EMS.
    • EMS will allow reserves both regular and government appointed to continue to work and finish their shift once there.
    • EMS cannot kick out reserves just because they clocked on unless they are doing something against EMS SOPs
  4. EMS activity
    • Any member of EMS may contact staff if there is an issue of activity or OOC control of the EMS program
    • Rank will still be decided by the Chiefs and Administration but only those active within the city.
    • If a member of EMS has concerns of activity of command members they can contact staff to get them removed, though they should first go through EMS Command if applicable

Court guidelines

  1. Using /cam and using your phone's camera for footage is allowed in court.
  2. Court will not always be won by "proving"... emotions, storytelling matter here, the focus is RP at the end of day.
  3. For civs/crims being brought to court, you will not be unable to "sue" individuals for ridiculous amounts of money. Requests need to be reasonable.
  4. Civil court cases will be unable to sue individuals for a ridiculous amount of money.
    • Cops being brought to court will be protected to a degree, they can suffer a maximum penalty of a 2-5 day suspension
  5. The focus on court should primarily be roleplay as such you shouldn’t drown the other party with objections

Ped guidelines

  1. You may have a shorter PED, however, the hitbox will be tested and required to be the size of a normal PED. If it is too short, it will NOT be accepted.
  2. All these PEDs need to follow the same requirements as regular ones as per the store.